Elite Innovators Canada (EIC)

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Get your SR&ED claim done right with Canada’s market leaders?

At EIC Consulting, we are dedicated to delivering thorough SR&ED consulting services to companies in diverse sectors. Our aim is to help you gain the full advantage of the SR&ED program, emphasizing excellent customer service and satisfaction. We operate on a contingency basis, so there are no initial fees until you obtain your tax credits.

SR&ED Overview

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is an annual R&D tax credit initiative worth $4.2 billion, managed by both the Canadian federal and provincial governments. It provides offsets for eligible expenses such as salaries, overhead, materials, and subcontractor costs incurred by companies involved in research and development activities.

Do I Qualify?

In 2019, more than 20,000 companies across Canada received SR&ED tax credits from the federal government, averaging over $150,000 per company. Your company doesn’t need a conventional R&D setup to be eligible for these credits. Federal statistics indicate that 98% of SR&ED credits are granted for experimental development work. If you design new products or processes, undertake IT projects, or invest in expanding your proprietary knowledge, or other business activities, you may qualify for SR&ED credits. Learn more about the qualification process.  Learn more about how to qualify.

Consulting Services

Our team of SR&ED specialists provides a range of services to support your SR&ED claim process:

  • Drafting of SR&ED Technical Reports: Our team of technical writers prepare comprehensive technical reports that detail your R&D activities and demonstrate their eligibility for SR&ED tax credits.
  • Gathering Financial Data: We collect and organize the financial data required to support your SR&ED claim, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • Amendments to Tax Returns: We make necessary amendments to your corporation’s income tax returns and related schedules to include the SR&ED claim.
  • Submission of SR&ED Claims: We submit your SR&ED claim to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and relevant provincial bodies, ensuring compliance with all regulations.
  • Assistance During Reviews: In the event of a CRA review, we provide support and guidance throughout the process, helping you respond to inquiries and requests for additional information.


Our fees are contingent upon the success of your SR&ED. We offer competitive rates and our charges cover all activities associated with obtaining approval for your claim.

Get in Touch

If you are looking to maximize your SR&ED tax credits with expert guidance and support, contact ECI Consulting today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our team is ready to assist you in navigating the SR&ED program and securing the tax incentives you deserve. Contact us

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